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2023 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 1 Worked Solutions

Here’s the worked solutions for the 2023 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 1. Click on the question number to go to the question directly.

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5

Question 6

Question 7

Question 8

Question 9

Question 10

Question 11

Worked solutions for 2023 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 1

Question 1

This question is on application of differentiation to tangents.

Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 1 for A level Maths. This question is on application of differentiation to tangents and normals.
Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 1 for A level Maths. This question is on application of differentiation to tangents and normals.

Question 2

This question is on systems of linear equation. As usual, the graphic calculator (G.C) should be used to speed up solving of the question.


Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 2 for A level Maths. This question is on system of linear equation. The use of the graphic calculator (polysmlt) is required.
Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 2 for A level Maths. This question is on system of linear equation. The use of the graphic calculator (polysmlt) is required.


Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 2 for A level Maths. This question is on system of linear equation. The use of the graphic calculator (polysmlt) , and the table function is required.

Question 3

This question is on vectors.


Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 3 for A level Maths. This question is on vectors. Here, we are looking at the cross and dot products of vectors.


Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 3 for A level Maths. This question is on vectors. Here, we are looking at finding the angle between two vectors.

Question 4

This is a question on integration.

(a) In this trigonometric integration, students are expected to use the factor formula which is available in the data booklet:

Factor formula of trigonometric identity. This is a formula found in the formula booklet of the A Level Math exam.

Worked solutions for question 4a:

Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 4 for A level Maths. This question is on integration. Here, we are looking at using trigonometric identities, to integrate a function.

(b) This is an integration by parts question. With an algebraic function (x), and a trigonometric function i.e. cos nx, it is an indication that you should be using by parts for integration.

Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 4 for A level Maths. This question is on integration. Here, we are looking at using integration by parts to solve integration.


Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 4 for A level Maths. This question is on integration. Here, we are looking at applying definite integrals to solve this question.


This question involves integration of modulus function.

Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 4 for A level Maths. This question is on integration. Here, we are looking at solving modulus functions for integration.

Question 5

This is a question on sequences and series.

(a) This question is on method of difference.

Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 5 for A level Maths. This question is on sequences and series. This is a method of difference question.


Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 5 for A level Maths. This question is on sequences and series. Here, we are looking at convergent series, how to prove convergent series, and how to find the sum to infinity.


Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 5 for A level Maths. This question is on sequences and series. Here, we are looking at how to apply common properties of summation.

Question 6

(a) This question involves proving of trigonometric identity using the double angle formula. The identity you should use from the data booklet is the one I highlighted below:

Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 6 for A level Maths. This question is on trigonometry. Here, we are looking at proving trigonometric identities. In particular, the double angle formula is used for proving the identity.


Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 6 for A level Maths. This question is on application of integration - finding volume generated by rotating about the x-axis.

Hence, volume generated can be found using:

Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 6 for A level Maths. This question is on application of integration - finding volume generated by rotating about the x-axis.

The question specifically talks about finding the exact value of the integral by substitution. In part (a), we have proved a trigonometric identity, that asks us to show that cos⁴θ = 1/8[cos4θ + 4cos2θ + 3]. The left side of this identity cannot be easily integrated, but the right side can. Hence, this is an indication that we need to change what’s to be integrated into something close to cos⁴θ, and then replace cos⁴θ by 1/8[cos4θ + 4cos2θ + 3].

Since y² = (9-x²)^(1.5), and we need something that is close to cos⁴θ, very likely x = 3cos θ

Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 6 for A level Maths. This question is on application of integration - finding volume generated by rotating about the x-axis.

Question 7

(a) This is a question on curve sketching. You can use the G.C to find the x-intercepts, y-intercepts and shape of the graph. Asymptotes have to be deduced.

Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 7 for A level Maths. This question is on curve sketching.


Range of f = [0, ∞)


Range of f = [0, ∞)

Domain of f = (-∞,∞) \ 3

For f² to exist, range of f ⊆ domain of f.

However, [0, ∞) ⊈ (-∞,∞) \ 3

Hence, f² does not exist.


For f⁻¹ to exist, f has to be a one-one function. From the graph, maximum value of a is -2.


When domain of f = (-∞, 2]

Range of f = [0, -2) = domain of f⁻¹

Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 7 for A level Maths. This question is on functions. Here, we are asked to prove that f(x) is a one-one function, and find its rule and domain.

Question 8

This is a complex number question


Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 8 for A level Maths. This question is on complex numbers.


Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 8 for A level Maths. This question is on complex numbers.


Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 8 for A level Maths. This question is on complex numbers.
Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 8 for A level Maths. This question is on complex numbers.

Question 9

This question is on vectors.


Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 9 for A level Maths. This question is on vectors.
Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 9 for A level Maths. This question is on vectors.


Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 9 for A level Maths. This question is on vectors. In particular, this question is on finding the shortest distance from a  point to the plane.
Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 9 for A level Maths. This question is on vectors. In particular, this question is on finding the shortest distance from a  point to the plane.


Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 9 for A level Maths. This question is on vectors. In particular, this question is on finding the angle between the plane and a line.


Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 9 for A level Maths. This question is on vectors. In particular, this question is on finding the equation of a plane, given two direction vectors.

Question 10

This question is on differential equations.


Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 10 for A level Maths. This question is on differential equations.


Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 10 for A level Maths. This question is on differential equations.


Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 10 for A level Maths. This question is on differential equations.


Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 10 for A level Maths. This question is on differential equations.


Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 10 for A level Maths. This question is on differential equations.


Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 10 for A level Maths. This question is on differential equations.

Question 11

This question is on Arithmetic and Geometric Progression (AP & GP)


month numberamount deposited ($)total amount in bank ($)
1 (31 Jan 2021)aa
2 (28 Feb 2021)a+ 50a + a+ 50
= 2a + 50
3 (31 Mar 2021)a+ 1002a + 50 + a + 100
= 3a + (50 + 100)
n a + 50(n-1)an + [50 + 100 + … + 50(n-1)]
36 (31 Dec 2023)a + 50(35)36a + [50 + 100 + … + 50(35)]

Total amount in bank in 31 Dec 2023 = 36a + [50 + 100 + … + 50(11)] = 36a + 35/2[50 + 35(50)] = $(36a + 31500)

36a + 31500 > 50 000

a > 513.8888

Smallest a = $513.89


monthamount owed at beginning of month ($)amount owed at end of month ($)
11.001(400,000)1.001(400,000) – x
21.001[1.001(400,000) – x]
= 1.001²(400,000) – 1.001x
1.001²(400,000) – 1.001x – x
1.001[1.001²(400,000) – 1.001x – x]
=1.001³(400,000) – 1.001²x – 1.001x
1.001³(400,000) – 1.001²x – 1.001x -x
n1.001ⁿ(400,000) – 1.01ⁿ⁻¹x – 1.01ⁿ⁻²x – … – 1.001x1.001ⁿ(400,000) – 1.01ⁿ⁻¹x – 1.01ⁿ⁻²x – … – 1.001x -x
Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 11 for A level Maths. This question is on application of geometric progression to problem sums.


Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 11 for A level Maths. This question is on application of geometric progression to problem sums.


Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 11 for A level Maths. This question is on application of geometric progression to problem sums.


Full worked solutions to 2023 H2 paper 1 question 11 for A level Maths. This question is on application of geometric progression to problem sums.


Interest paid in part (d) = 287($1600) + $1320.22 – $400 000 = $60520.22

Interest paid in part (c) = $76506.80

Savings using payment method from (d) = $76506.80 – $60520.22 = $15986.58 = $15990 (3 s.f.)

Watch the step-by-step video explanation for question 11 here:

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