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2022 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 1 Worked Solutions

Here’s the worked solutions for the 2022 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 1. Click on the question number to go to the question directly.

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5

Question 6

Question 7

Question 8

Question 9

Question 10

Question 11

Question 12

Worked solutions for 2022 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 1

Question 1

Given :

iz + 2w = -1 —- (1)

(2-i)z + iw = 6 —- (2)

Find z and w in a + bi form where a and b are real numbers.

Solutions to 2022 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 1 Question 1. This is a complex number and system of equation question.

Question 2

This is a question on Maclaurin Series.

Solutions to 2022 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 1 Question 2a. This is a Maclaurin Series question.
Solutions to 2022 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 1 Question 2b. This is a Maclaurin Series question.

Question 3

This question is on application of differentiation to tangents and normals.

Solutions to 2022 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 1 Question 3a. This is a question on application of differentiation to normals and tangents, as well as parametric equations.
Solutions to 2022 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 1 Question 3b. This is a question on application of differentiation to normals and tangents, as well as parametric equations.

Question 4

This question tests students on manipulating Trigonometric identities, and also on integration.

Solutions to 2022 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 1 Question 4.  This question is on manipulation of trigonometric identities, and integration.

Question 5

This question tests students on their application of differentiation. In addition, concepts from O Level Additional Mathematics topics on discriminant (from quadratic function chapter) is also tested.

Solutions to 2022 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 1 Question 5a.  This question is on tangents and normals, as well as additional mathematics topics on discriminant.
Solutions to 2022 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 1 Question 5b.  This question is on tangents and normals, as well as additional mathematics topics on discriminant.

Question 6

Question 6 is on functions and transformation of graphs.


Students are expected to write a series of transformation to transform y = 1/x to y = (ax+k)/(x-a). Remember to use the recommended transformation order for this question.

Hence, the required transformation are:

  • translate the graph y = f(x) a units in the positive x- direction.
  • scale parallel to the y axis by a factor of a² + k
  • translate the graph by a units in the positive y- direction


Let y = f(x)

Range of f = domain of f⁻¹ = ℝ \ a

(c )

Since f(x) = f⁻¹(x),

f²(x) = f f⁻¹(x) = x, x ∈ ℝ, x ≠a


f²⁰²³(1) = f(1) = (a+k)/(1-a)

Question 7

Question 7 is on differentiation and integration (including their application)

Solutions to 2022 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 1 Question 7a.  This question is on differentiation and finding the turning point from differentiation.


Solutions to 2022 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 1 Question 7b.  This question is on integration, using integration by parts. Students are required to find the area under the graph by integration.

Question 8

Question 8 is on integration and its application.

Solutions to 2022 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 1 Question 8a.  This question is on integration.
Solutions to 2022 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 1 Question 8b.  This question is on integration.
Solutions to 2022 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 1 Question 8b.  This question is on integration.

Question 9

Question 9 is on arithmetic and geometric progression.

Solutions to 2022 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 1 Question 8b.  This question is on arithmetic progression.
Solutions to 2022 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 1 Question 8b.  This question is on geometric progression, with trigonometric manipulation.
Solutions to 2022 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 1 Question 8b.  This question is on geometric progression.

Question 10

Question 10 is on application of differentiation, discriminant, curve sketching and inequalities.

Solutions to 2022 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 1 Question 10.  This question is on curve sketching.
Solutions to 2022 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 1 Question 10.  This question is on curve sketching.
Solutions to 2022 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 1 Question 10.  This question is on curve sketching.
Solutions to 2022 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 1 Question 10.  This question is on curve sketching.
Solutions to 2022 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 1 Question 10.  This question is on curve sketching.

Question 11

This question is on vectors.

Solutions to 2022 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 1 Question 11.  This question is on vectors.


Part b involves finding the cartesian equation of plane, given 3 position vectors:

Solutions to 2022 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 1 Question 11.  This question is on vectors.
Solutions to 2022 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 1 Question 11.  This question is on vectors.
Solutions to 2022 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 1 Question 11.  This question is on vectors.

Question 12

This question is on differential equations.

Solutions to 2022 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 1 Question 12.  This question is on differential equations.
Solutions to 2022 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 1 Question 12.  This question is on differential equations.
Solutions to 2022 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 1 Question 12.  This question is on differential equations.
Solutions to 2022 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 1 Question 12.  This question is on differential equations.
Solutions to 2022 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 1 Question 12.  This question is on differential equations.
Solutions to 2022 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 1 Question 12.  This question is on differential equations.

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