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2019 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 2 Worked Solutions

Here’s the worked solutions for the 2019 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 2. Click on the question number to go to the question directly.

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5

Question 6

Question 7

Question 8

Question 9

Question 10

Question 11

Worked solutions for 2019 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 2

Question 1

This question is on integration.

Worked solutions for 2019 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 2, question 1. This question is on integration.

Question 2

This is a question on curve sketching and inequalities.

Worked solutions for 2019 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 2, question 2. This question is on curve sketching and inequalities.
Worked solutions for 2019 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 2, question 2. This question is on curve sketching and inequalities.

Question 3

This question is on application of differentiation.

Worked solutions for 2019 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 2, question 3. This question is on application of differentiation.
Worked solutions for 2019 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 2, question 3. This question is on application of differentiation.

Question 4

This question is on Maclaurin’s series.

Worked solutions for 2019 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 2, question 4. This question is on Maclaurin's series.
Worked solutions for 2019 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 2, question 4. This question is on Maclaurin's series.

Question 5

This question is on vectors.

Worked solutions for 2019 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 2, question 5. This question is on vectors.
Worked solutions for 2019 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 2, question 5. This question is on vectors.
Worked solutions for 2019 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 2, question 5. This question is on vectors.
Worked solutions for 2019 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 2, question 5. This question is on vectors.

Question 6

This question is on sampling, and permutation and combination (P&C)

(i) Since Alice wishes to find the approaches to training by clubs in Division one, and she sends a questionnaire to all 22 clubs in division One, these 22 clubs form a population.

(ii) Dilip could choose a sample size from the population size of 100 clubs, and carry out his investigation. The sample should have 22% from division one, 24% from division two, 26% from division three and 28% from division four.

Worked solutions for 2019 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 2, question 6. This question is on  sampling, and permutation and combination (P&C).

Question 7

This question is on binomial distribution.

Worked solutions for 2019 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 2, question 7. This question is on  binomial distribution.
Worked solutions for 2019 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 2, question 7. This question is on  binomial distribution.

Question 8

This question is on probability.

Worked solutions for 2019 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 2, question 8. This question is on  probability.
Worked solutions for 2019 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 2, question 8. This question is on  probability.
Worked solutions for 2019 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 2, question 8. This question is on  probability.

Question 9

This question is on sampling and hypothesis testing.

Worked solutions for 2019 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 2, question 9. This question is on  hypothesis testing.
Worked solutions for 2019 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 2, question 9. This question is on  hypothesis testing.

Question 10

This question is on linear regression and correlation.

Worked solutions for 2019 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 2, question 10. This question is on  linear regression and correlation.
Worked solutions for 2019 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 2, question 10. This question is on  linear regression and correlation.
Worked solutions for 2019 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 2, question 10. This question is on  linear regression and correlation.

Question 11

This question is on normal distribution.

Worked solutions for 2019 H2 A Level Mathematics Paper 2, question 11. This question is on  normal distribution.

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