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Solving Inequalities with modulus sign: |f(x)| < g(x) or |f(x)| > g(x)

In this post, we’ll look at solving inequalities of the form |f(x)| < g(x) or |f(x)| > g(x).

How to remove the | |

To solve such inequalities, we’ll first look at how to split such inequalities:

  • If given |f(x)| < g(x), split it into -g(x)<f(x) < g(x) [Take the intersection of both to find final answer]
  • Similarly, if given |f(x)| ≤ g(x), split it into -g(x)≤f(x)≤g(x) [Take the intersection of both inequalities to find final answer]
  • If given |f(x)| > g(x), split it into f(x) > g(x) or f(x) < -g(x) [Take both inequalities as final answer]
  • Similarly, if given |f(x)| ≥ g(x), split it into f(x)≥ g(x) or f(x)≤-g(x) [Take both inequalities as final answer]

Examples of solving inequalities involving | |

Example 1: Solve the inequality |x – 3| < 2x + 5

If given |f(x)| < g(x), split it into -g(x)<f(x) < g(x)

Hence, we’ll split |x – 3| < 2x + 5 into -(2x+5)<x-3<2x+5

x >-2/3
AND x-3<2x+5
x >-8
Intersection of x> -2/3 and x > -8 is x > -2/3

Hence, x > -2/3

Example 2: Solve the inequality |x – 3| ≤ 2x + 5

If given |f(x)| ≤ g(x), split it into -g(x)≤f(x)≤g(x)

Hence, we’ll split |x – 3| 2x + 5 into -(2x+5)x-32x+5

x ≥-2/3
AND x-32x+5
x ≥-8
Intersection of x≥ -2/3 and x ≥ -8 is x ≥ -2/3

Hence, x≥ -2/3

Example 3: Solve the inequality |x – 3| > 2x + 5

If given |f(x)| > g(x), split it into f(x) > g(x) or f(x) < -g(x)

x-3 > 2x+ 5OR x-3 < -(2x+5)
x < -8x < -2/3

We’ll take both (or an inequality that satisfies both answers above), which is x < -2/3

Hence, x< -2/3.

Example 4: Solve the inequality |x – 3| > 2x + 5

If given |f(x)| ≥ g(x), split it into f(x)≥ g(x) or f(x)≤-g(x)

x-3 ≥ 2x+ 5OR x-3 ≤ -(2x+5)
x ≤ -8x ≤ -2/3

We’ll take both (or an inequality that satisfies both answers above), which is x ≤ -2/3.

Hence, x≤ -2/3.

Learn H2 A Level Math Inequalities

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