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Modulus Functions

What are modulus functions

Modulus functions or absolute functions give the magnitude (and ignore the negative sign). Hence, a modulus function is always greater than or equal to 0.

Representing modulus functions in Math

To represent modulus functions, we use the symbol | |.

Examples of modulus functions

|-3|, |x+3|, |(x-3)(x+5)| ,etc. are examples of modulus functions.

Example 1: |-3| = 3

Reason: since modulus functions only take the magnitude, and ignore any negative sign.

Example 2: |3| , |3| = 3.

Notice that |3| =|-3| = 3.

Splitting the modulus function

Using the example of |3| = 3 and |-3| = 3, notice that:

  • when f(x) ≥0, |f(x)| = f(x).
  • when f(x)<0, then |f(x)| = -f(x)

Hence, when we have a modulus function, we can split it in this manner:

For example, |x-3| can be re-written in the form:

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Here are the complete notes for solving inequalities for H2 Math:

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