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What you need to know for O Level for Quadratic Functions (O Level Add Maths)

what you need to know for O Level Add Math quadratic functions

In O Level Additional Mathematics, this is what you need to know for quadratic functions:

  • Finding maximum and minimum of a quadratic function by completing the square
  • i.e. converting ax2 + bx + c to a(x+h)2 + g
  • Conditions for a quadratic function to be always positive or negative
    • Using results from completing the square i.e. ax2 + bx + c = a(x+h)2 + g
      • This occurs when a > 0 and g > 0
      • This occurs when  a < 0 and g < 0
  •  Using discriminant (b2– 4ac) to find the conditions where a quadratic equation has:
    • no real roots ==> b2– 4ac < 0
    • 2 distinct real roots ==> b2– 4ac > 0
    • equal roots ==> b2– 4ac = 0
  • Using discriminant (b2– 4ac) to find the conditions where a line is:
    • tangent to a quadratic curve ==> b2– 4ac > 0
    • cuts a quadratic curve at 2 distinct points ==> b2– 4ac > 0
    • does not intersect the quadratic curve ==> b2– 4ac < 0
  • Solving simultaneous equations
    • This can be done using the substitution method (most commonly used) or the elimination method. 
  • Solving quadratic inequalities

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