Find the worked solutions for past A Level normal distribution questions. Normal distribution questions are found in paper 2, statistics section.
Find the worked solutions for past A Level discrete random variable questions, which are found in paper 2 of H2 Math papers, statistics section.
Find the worked solutions for past A Level probability questions. Probability questions are found in paper 2.
Find the worked solutions for past A Level permutation and combination questions. Permutation and combination questions are found in paper 2.
We talk about the graphic calculator Ti-84 for normal distribution in this post. We’ll look at normal distribution functions in Ti-84: invNorm and normcdf.
We talk about the graphic calculator Ti 84 for binomial distribution in this post. We’ll look at 2 binomial distribution functions in Ti 84.
In this post, you will find the 2017 to 2022 H2 A Level Math statistics questions arranged by topics. Click on the topic to see the questions.
Find a summary of A Level Math Statistics in this post here. We go through key concepts on all topics tested in H2 A Level Math Statistics.
Proving Trigonometry Identity Proving trigonometry identity is a common type of questions often tested In O Level Additional Mathematics. To prove an identity, students are…
Haber process is the industrial process used for the manufacture of ammonia from hydrogen and nitrogen with iron as the catalyst.