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Suggested Solutions: 2020 GCE O Level A Math Paper 1

A Math 2020 Paper 1 Worked solutions

Here, you will find the suggested answer for 2020 GCE O Level A Math exam. Click on the link below to go to the question directly.

Question 1 (Note: No longer tested in O Level A Math from 2021 onwards: sum and product of roots of quadratic functions)

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5 (Note: Absolute functions are no longer tested in O Level A Math from 2021 onwards)

Question 6

Question 7

Question 8

Question 9

Question 10

Question 11

Question 12

Question 1 on Quadratic Functions

This question on sum of roots and product of roots of a quadratic equation is no longer tested from 2021 onwards. I’ve still included the solutions for this question, if you are interested.

worked solutions of O Level A Math Paper 1 question 1 on quadratic functions (sum of roots and product of roots)

Question 2 on Indices

This is a question on indices and surds. In part (a), students are tested on the laws of indices.

In part (b), it’s quite straight forward. Sort of like compound interest which you have learnt in elementary Math.

worked solutions of O Level A Math Paper 1 question 2 part a on indices and surds
worked solutions of O Level A Math Paper 1 question 2 part b on indices and surds
worked solutions of O Level A Math Paper 1 question 2 part b on indices and surds

Question 3 on Partial Fractions

This question is on partial fractions. An improper fraction is given, hence students are required to make it a proper fraction in addition to applying partial fractions.

worked solutions of O Level A Math Paper 1 question 3 on partial fractions

Question 4 on Application of Differentiation – Increasing function

In this question, students need to apply the concept that when a function is increasing, dy/dx > 0.

worked solutions of O Level A Math Paper 1 question 4 on increasing and decreasing functions

Question 5 on Absolute Functions or | |

Absolute functions are no longer tested in GCE O Level for A Math from 2021 onwards. I have included the solutions for this, just in case you are interested.

worked solutions of O Level A Math Paper 1 question 5 on absolute functions

Question 6 on Application of differentiation – finding stationary points

In this question, students are expected to use differentiation to find stationary points.

worked solutions of O Level A Math Paper 1 question 6 on finding stationary points using differentiation

Question 7 on Trigonometry (solving equations and applying identities)

In this question, students need to make use of trigonometric identities to manipulate the given trigonometry equation. There after, they then solve the trigonometric equation

worked solutions of O Level A Math Paper 1 question 7 on trigonometry

Question 8 on Polynomials – Factor Remainder Theorem and solving cubic equations

There are 2 parts in this question.

In part a, students use the concept learnt in the chapter on factor- remainder theorem.

In part b, students are asked to solve cubic equations.

worked solutions of O Level A Math Paper 1 question 8 factor and remainder theorem and solving cubic equations

Question 9 on Coordinate Geometry and Circles

This is a coordinate geometry question, with the main focus on circles in coordinate geometry.

worked solutions of O Level A Math Paper 1 question 9 coordinate geometry of circles

Question 10 on Finding Area by Integration

This is a question involving finding area between two graphs by integration.

worked solutions of O Level A Math Paper 1 question 10 on finding area between curves using integration

Question 11 on Application of Integration and Differentiation to Kinematics

This is a question on kinematics. Students are required to find distance and acceleration given velocity.

To find distance, you’ll need to integration velocity.

To find acceleration, differentiate velocity.

worked solutions of O Level A Math Paper 1 question 11 on kinematics

Question 12 on Trigonometry

This is a long question on trigonometry with 6 parts! The question mainly revolve around using of identities, and knowing the sign of the trigonometric ratios in different quadrants (recall ASTC).

worked solutions of O Level A Math Paper 1 question 12 on Trigonometry

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