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Kinetic Model of Matter for O Level Physics – What’s tested

kinetic theory of matter for o level physics

In this post, let’s talk about what’s tested in kinetic model of matter for O Level Physics.

p/s: If you are taking O Level Chemistry as well, you would learn some parts of this chapter in Chemistry.

Below, is a checklist of what’s tested in kinetic model of matter.

Checklist for kinetic model of matter for O Level Physics

  • properties and molecular structure of solids, liquids and gases

solids: fixed volume and shape. Solid particles are held tightly together, and vibrate about the fixed position.

liquids: fixed volume but no fixed shape. Liquid particles are free to move about within the liquid, and are held together by moderately strong forces of attraction.

gases: no fixed volume and no fixed shape. Gas particles are free to move apart, and far apart and weakly held together.

  • Brownian motion experiment

In Brownian motion, the smoke particles are seen moving randomly, in a haphazard manner. This is due to the air molecules colliding with the smoke particles randomly and in all directions.

  • Motion of gas particles as temperature increases

As temperature of gas increases, average kinetic energy of gas particles increases.

  • Explain pressure of gas molecules

Pressure of gas is due to the collision of gas molecules with the walls of container.

  • Relationship and solve problems between pressure, volume and pressure of gas

For a fixed mass of ideal gas, pV/T = constant (where P is pressure, V is volume and T is temperature in Kelvins)

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